Latest Update on Goat Island

We are still waiting for the attorneys to finish the lease so that things can move forward. As of now, you have all generously donated $2,050 toward replacing the goats on Goat Island. After the fees at Gofundme, there is a balance of $1,952 available. We are in a waiting mode until the lease is signed and the paperwork completed.

In the meantime, we are looking for at least two people, living along the lake and who owns a boat, and who would be willing to volunteer their time and take on the responsibility for overseeing this project. They will be the Manager and Assistant Manager. Several people are working to make this happen, but none of us can take it on as a full-time commitment. We are working to get the ball rolling and make sure that things are set up to take care of the goats once they are on the island. Responsibilities would include going to the island and checking on the goats at regular intervals, feed them on occasion, call the school and arrange for their bi-annual checkup and manage any finances associated with the care of the goats.

There is plenty of underbrush to keep the goats fed most of the year, but during the winter their food will need to be supplemented. We hope to be able to place two feeders out for them positioned at different locations where the goats will be more visible to visitors on the island. We will be working with the FFA Departments from the schools to keep them wormed and make sure their health needs are covered.

Many people in Trinity care deeply about Goat Island and have the time and abilities needed to manage this project. If you, or someone you know, would be interested in getting involved, please message us at:

I want to help with Goat Island.

About Dr. Sharon Schuetz (224 Articles)
Dr. Sharon Schuetz has a Ph.D. in clinical Christian counseling and has counseled hundreds of families over the past 25 years. In 2013 she and a friend started the website with 26 different authors and millions of visitors until she sold it in 2016. Since then, she has worked in her local county, Trinity, Texas in the Republican Party, Republican Women, the Trinity County Patriots, and is the former editor of the local newspaper, The Trinity Standard. She recently accepted the position of Secretary of the Trinity County Republican Party. Sharon and her husband of 42 years, Michael, pastor the Sebastopol Community Church in Trinity, and have three children and ten grandchildren.

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