There’s a Whole Lot of Lying Going On

If you put a bunch of liberals in a room and ask them for a one-word description of a conservative, most of them will smugly shout “RACIST,” as if there could be no other logical answer. Then they will smirk and lean back in their chairs, feeling superior in their open-minded wisdom. We do, however, have to remember that they too are victims of the lying progressive educators. Sadly, they are just gullible enough to accept their lies as truth. They believe anything the complicit media feeds them and behave exactly as they were programmed to act. They have no idea that their reaction is the result of decades of lies, truth twisting, and underhanded devious plotting behind closed doors, and that they are pawns in a scheme of trickery so evil it boggles the imagination.
Most Americans who are old enough to remember the desegregation of the schools in the 60s and 70s can vividly recall the racial tension it created in their neighborhoods. School districts bussed blacks in from across town, or from surrounding communities in order to mix the races. Those were tough years for America. Blacks and whites hated school desegregation, but it did make us learn to live and work together. Many of us remember those days and the feelings of fear and anger stirred up by unscrupulous politicians who were making money from our fear and ignorance.

Our parents didn’t understand the political climate of those turbulent decades. We didn’t have televisions in our homes until the 50’s. National politics and the plight of other races weren’t front-burner issues for most people trying to make a living and put food on the table for a generation of baby-boomers. That’s why so many of today’s citizens have been deceived by Progressive educators who taught generations of impressionable children a revisionist’s version of history while hiding the truth.
Just about anywhere you look for information on racism in the United States, you will hear about the “White Southerners” who fought diligently for decades to keep the blacks in bondage. They did this first through chains they will tell you, and then through poverty and political exclusion. They throw words like “White Southerners” around, but they never mention that the “White Southerners” fighting to keep the blacks in slavery were white Democrats or today’s Progressives. It was the Republicans who pushed laws through that ultimately freed the slaves and broke down the walls that preventing blacks from experiencing equality in education, economics, and professional opportunities.
According to author, Robert Rohlfing,
“… even under FDR’s “New Deal” program that was to benefit lower-income segments of the population, African Americans were still segregated in Soup Lines and Bread Lines? In the 26 major civil rights votes after 1933, a majority of Democrats opposed civil rights legislation in over 80 percent of the votes. By contrast, the Republican majority favored civil rights in over 96 percent of the votes.”
Truman used an executive order to desegregate the military in 1954. The great “Civil Rights Crusader” Lyndon Baines Johnson never lifted a finger to help the blacks until after he became President. Before that he did everything, he could to fight against equal rights for blacks. He voted with the “White Southern Democrats” 78-100% of the time on civil rights issues.
“In order to break the racist ways of Southern Democrats, it was Republican President Eisenhower who sponsored both Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act and it was an LBJ lead Senate who fought tooth and nail against them.”
Race is the basis of many political boundaries. The person who gets the best demographic lines drawn will find that he has more constituents with the right political affiliations and resources. Politicians receive grants and pork belly projects according to demographics, especially racial demographics. It can be an economic boon for the politician who helps appoint the right judge who will, in turn, make sure that the political boundaries favor the politician who helped his career. It doesn’t matter to them that American citizens are being used as pawns in their power games.
Why has this been kept from the American people all these years? Again, it is an essential part of the Progressive agenda. It is a successful money-making scam for race baiters like Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, and Barack Obama. These anti-American racists. Stir so many who allow themselves to be used against Americans. They want people to be angry and scared. They would love to see a race war, and they have worked diligently to make it happen. Just look at what they did in Baltimore and Ferguson.
There are two different American histories of racism and civil rights in the US. There are the Democratic/Progressive lies that call anyone who is a white or conservative a racist, and then there is the truth. Yes, there are blacks who experience racial profiling and have been denied jobs because of their skin color. But there are many, many more Americans, black and white, who never pay attention to a person’s skin color in matters of education, job performance, and friendship.
Barack Obama used the term African-American over and over. Perhaps in his world, he is African-American. But most of us just want to be Americans. These race baiters, Obama, Sharpton, and Jackson and their ilk hate America and want a race war. I for one am not interested in giving them one. The truth will benefit Americans a lot more than the garbage being served by Obama and his race-baiting friends.

About Dr. Sharon Schuetz (224 Articles)
Dr. Sharon Schuetz has a Ph.D. in clinical Christian counseling and has counseled hundreds of families over the past 25 years. In 2013 she and a friend started the website with 26 different authors and millions of visitors until she sold it in 2016. Since then, she has worked in her local county, Trinity, Texas in the Republican Party, Republican Women, the Trinity County Patriots, and is the former editor of the local newspaper, The Trinity Standard. She recently accepted the position of Secretary of the Trinity County Republican Party. Sharon and her husband of 42 years, Michael, pastor the Sebastopol Community Church in Trinity, and have three children and ten grandchildren.

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